be under a new section of the code or amended to section 311 (indecent exposure) rather than classified as "vaglowd."

Testimony obtained in the se hearings will be used by the Interim Subcommittee of Constitutional Rights for futuro recommendations for changes in the penal code by the

State Legislature.


(Continued from pago 8)

and full, impossibly sensuous lips like her!





Konnie sat up in her seat abruptly and put her glass down. That would be quite enough of that! This thing of allowing the mind to do what it would lately well it really was a little too much. She must go to the ladies' room and adjust her make-up and look at herself and quiet it all down if Nefertiti up there would ever finish! Ah! Nefertiti! That was the one.


She looked at the singer again and there they were, the eyes, waiting. Something not unlike pain shot through Konalia Martin-Whit side Heplin, II and she trembled. She did not drop her eyes this time Why should she? The ro was pleasure in the looking, she thought suddenly, wildly, yes, she would look right back at her! And she did. And the two very black ones in the center of the room smiled at her and talked to her, and the smoky, dark lashes opened and closed for her and Konalia Martin-Whit side Heplin, II sat and looked back and felt insane with pleasure.

Pleasure. Why had pleasure so frightened her in the past? Why must one constantly run from it? Control it? Who were all those dead people who were deciding things from their graves? All those generations of highly respected poor old soul who had done this or that in their lives; founded this or that. What had they to do with her! Why was she so bound to them? Who had made them right about everything? And why Pleasure indeed. Had they